Whenever - Love Poem
Whenever - Love Poem

Whenever I'm hurting, you relieve me from my pain
Whenever I'm lost, you bring me back to earth again

Whenever I need someone, you'd come running
Whenever I need your love, it'd always be there for me

Whenever I need a friend, there you are
Whenever need someone to talk to, you're the one I always call

Whenever I'm scared, you take away my fears
Whenever I'm crying, you wipe away all my tears

Whenever I'm down, you make me happy
Whenever I'm feeling ugly, you make me feel pretty

Whenever I need to be loved, you're the one that always comes
Whenever I forget who I am, you remind me of where I came form

Whenever I'm wrong, you teach me right
Whenever I feel stupid, you make me feel bright

Whenever I feel weak, you help me become strong
Whenever I'm sad you sing me songs

Whenever I feel not loved, you do the craziest thing
Whenever I feel lonely, your love for me is what you bring

Whenever the sky is dark, it’s your love that shines through
Whenever I give you my love, you give me your love but times two

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