Wish Upon A Falling Star - Love Poem
Wish Upon A Falling Star - Love Poem

Wish upon a falling star....
in the midnight sky's up above
I wish you to be near.

To feel your hands gently roll
over me....
To feel your soft, sweet, gentle lips caress mine....
To have your arms surround my mind, body, and soul....

Wish upon a falling star....
in the midnight sky's up above
I wish you to come bring you body next to mines.

Have your body lay next to mine....
Our hearts beating and intertwine....
Our souls conjoined and pulses racing....
As our hands start to search each other....
I stare into those gorgeous brown eyes
Lose all control and begin to cry....

Wish upon a falling star....
in the midnight sky's up above
I wish you would see the love that we share.

You see the love we share in each other's eyes....
As you lay down to kiss me we seal this love with a blissful kiss....
Our bodies begin to sweat from all our emotions....
Drowning each other with love and emotion....
We lay down in each others arms 
I look upon your angelic face and with my last breath 
I whisper my undying love for you....
You look at me and gently kiss me on my forehead and together we fall asleep 

Wishing Upon A Falling Star....
that soon we can be together again in each other's arms....

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