To Me, You're Perfect (Yes, YOU)

If you live to be 100, I want to live 100 (Minus 1 Day), so I never have to live without you

If I am left with only one last smile in me, I will give it to you. The person I love the most.

Life is 4 living, I live mine 4 U! LOVE is 4 giving, I give mine 2 U! Dreams are 4 dreaming, mine are 4 U! Hearts are 4 beating, & mine beats 4 U!

Remember, where you invest your love, you invest your life.

I want to be of those old couples you see still holding hands and laughing after fifty years of marriage. That's what I want. I want to be someone's forever.

I always looked for someone I could live with, but ended up finding someone I can't live without. I Love You.

I have fallen in love many times... Always with you. Happy Valentine's Day

I will always be there for you :) Will you be there for me?

My days and nights are spent thinking of you. My dreams have come true now that you are in my life. Happy Valentine's Day!

I promise to be by your side forever and for always. I love you. Nothing can do us apart.

You give me the kind of feeling people write novels about.

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