Pisces (February 19 - March 19)
Pisces Relationship Personality
Pisces Relationship Personality

Pisces are receptive, intuitive and emotional. They can be imaginative, impressionable and mystical and very changeable. This is the sign of dreams and mysticism and is ruler of the twelfth house, the house of secrets. 

A Pisces male is a real charmer and the secret to his extraordinary appeal to women is a deep and sensitive appreciative for their inner qualities. He would love to find happiness with one woman but his duel personality and the vagaries of his character make this unlikely. He loves clandestine meetings and secret affairs with high-risk quotients and married women are his natural prey. Pisces men fall in love easily and usually choose the wrong partners. His is not interested in worldly ambition and lots of Pisces end up with an addiction of some kind. You have heard the expression "drink like a fish". That is because Pisces men and women have a tendency to overindulge in some area. He is extremely moody and had days of depression. On other days he can be in a great mood and very outgoing, but it does not last. As a father he will be found playing with his children and his best qualities can surface, but he has a hard time teaching them independence, structure and how to succeed in the world. 

A female Pisces is a mixture of earthly qualities and unworldly fantasies. She naturally makes a man feel manly and this is her way of captivating them. But she has a hard time keeping a good relationship going due to her moodiness and changing moods. The men that she chooses are in two categories. She falls for emotionally handicapped men whom she can mother and envelop with compassionate care or one who is strong, decisive with a great sense of self. A man who will give her the support and firm direction that she needs. She could have a number of children and her home will be a haven for their friends and pets.

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